--> Abstract: A New Approach to Seismic Interpretation in Challenging Imaging Environments, by C. Edward Helsing and David C. Berman; #90067 (2007)
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A New Approach to Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit in Challenging Imaging Environments


C. Edward Helsing and David C. Berman. ExxonMobil Exploration Company, 222 Benmar Drive, Houston Texas 77060 [email protected]


A Previous HitseismicNext Hit image adjacent to a complex velocity anomaly such as a salt body comprises reflections resulting from multiple ray-path types. Despite application of multipathing algorithms such as Wave Equation PSDM, the full-stack Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit generally exhibit low signal to noise ratios allowing for multiple valid structural interpretations. We present a new approach to this common Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit problem.


Recent advances in computing now allow commercial production of Wave Equation PSDM subsurface-angle gathers, which are used for residual velocity updates. Taking the next step and stacking subsurface-angle gathers provides the interpreter with a new way of viewing Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit, in which partial stacks are defined as a function of subsurface angle rather than the familiar surface offset or angle. This distinction is important because subsurface-angle stacks more often efficiently separate signal from noise compared to surface offset or angle stacks. The reason for this is, given a point in the volume, a dip, and a reflection angle, the ray paths from a given source and receiver to the image point are uniquely defined. This is not true for surface-offset Previous HitdataNext Hit in a multipathing situation.


The presentation describes an Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit technique that utilizes 3D visualization, which allows the interpreter to efficiently integrate subsurface-angle stacks with Previous HitseismicNext Hit and non-Previous HitseismicTop datasets to discriminate between valid alternative structural interpretations.


Additional applications of this technique include imaging beneath velocity anomalies related to shallow gas, large discovered gas fields, or anomalous channel fill within the overburden.


AAPG Search and Discover Article #90067©2007 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Wichita, Kansas